
Why You Could Not Sleep Well At Night! MUST READ!

Sleeping is one of the most important things that person should do every day. It a set goal to have at least 8 hours of sleep before you get on to you next activities the following day. 

Some claims that whenever you lack sleep, you won't have the energy to do things the following day. It was somehow true, but each time a person does not get enough sleep they are no just sabotaging the next day but they are totally risking their health condition. 

Experts claim that there are reasons why a person could not sleep at night and these are just the little things. 

1. Caffeine at Night
It is a stimulant that would keep you awake all night. 

2. Having a Full Bladder
Prevent yourself from drinking too much water before you sleep

3. Sleeping position
Find the most suitable position, but the sleeping beauty position is the best to do to sleep faster. 

4. Have a sleep schedule 
It would help you determine what time you should start sleeping.

5. Bright Lights
Darker rooms would help you sleep well. 

6. Socks For Feet
A pair of socks would to keep your feet warm

7. Entertainment
Avoid bringing things such as books, cell phones, and other gadgets. 


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